How many ways can we create our personal history?
We offer a number of ways to create a personal history to meet our clients' needs and budgets. Some of these ways include:
- A Video Memoir that weaves interviews with photos, home movies and music to capture an individual’s life story.
- An Oral History that consists of an unedited video or audio taped interview.
- A Legacy Book that combines life stories with precious photographs.
- An Ethical Will written for friends and family that illuminates a person’s most important values and beliefs, life lessons and future hopes, for their decedents.

How does it work?
We like to start working with new clients by having an informal, no obligation meeting. This allows us to describe our services fully. It also allows you to ask any questions that you might have for us. If we decide to work together The Legacy Books will draw up a contract detailing our mutual commitments and the costs involved.
The basis for much of our work is a series of audio or video taped interviews. These are done usually in your home where you are most comfortable. Each session is about an hour in length and it usually takes from six to eight hours to complete the interviews. Depending on the scope of the project, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months to complete a personal history.
What else do we do?
The Legacy Books proudly offers the following additional services for our clients:
- Histories of homes and buildings
- A Grandparent story-reading or story-telling CD
- History of a family heirloom
- Transcribing/editing diaries
- Scanning of photos and memorabilia
- Cover designs for books, CDs, and DVDs
- Life writing classes or workshops
- Mother’s or Father’s Day one-hour interview
- Legacy letter Tribute/memorial booklets
- Family reunion booklets and videos
- Recollections for a milestone anniversary or birth
To learn more, please contact us today
by phone, (717) 572-4948 or
via e-mail, [email protected].