About Us

        The Legacy Books is proud to describe its work as rare journalism. We transcribe your stories word-by-word onto the printed page. This work includes an editing process in which you are directly involved. 


        We help you create a book that is yours, through and through, and your voice is our gift to share. We take time to hear your life stories over weeks and months.  It is a private process in which you are free to tell whatever story you desire to see printed onto the page. That is why The Legacy Books calls itself rare journalism. It calls itself this because the story is designed for you, your family, and hopefully, for future generations.

        We believe that these stories are treasures for our children’s futures and believe that your stories have value, great or small.  Handmade books in a world where physical books are in danger of disappearing to the digital age, dedication to making handmade books from local binderies, is our mission and our purpose. The feel, the smell, the experience of a book is like entering someone’s home. It has many rooms, knick knacks, clocks, old clothes, children’s toys, blankets, and all things old and all things new. 


        With books coming to the digital age, we lose the experience of holding books in our hands, to have it and keep it, as a part of our lives. The Legacy Books is making an heirloom piece of your family's history and it is an honor to be a part of that process. 

        We are looking to collect stories as a form of living history. We search for that which might be lost and try to preserve it. If the world knew how much it has lost by all the stories never told, or not written in print before someone's passing, the world would undoubtedly mourn, for so much has been lost. We want to fight against that loss and preserve the stories of people of all walks of life.  




Future Projects 

        The Legacy Books is looking to collect and preserve stories in future chapters, concerning specifically chefs, artists, families in and around the city of Philadelphia and abroad, those who have reached their golden years,  families who have a loved one in hospice, religious affiliations and families who wish to have a book written for them for a holiday present in our Family Christmas Edition.

About the Founder

Chrystin L. Wheeling has been a novelist and playwright since she arrived in Philadelphia ten years ago.  She has traveled and taught around the world and continues to fulfill her literary aspirations through the art of hearing others’ stories. She believes that listening is one of the last, great art forms and her work is based around the desire to keep it alive.   

Chrystin is a graduate from Temple University, in Philadelphia, and is continuing her education in a Master's program for English Education. 

She desires to nurture The Legacy Books into its fullest potential and record the stories of those voices that might not normally have a microphone.

I’ve found
you’ve got
to look back
at the old
things and
see them
in a new light.

~John Coltrane
American Jazz Saxophonist. 1926 - 1967

(717) 572-4948

[email protected]